© ClimbingAway

Historical of the performances

Female sends chronologies :

Male sends chronologies :

Hardest routes (french 9th grade) :

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Routes Grades Climbers Dates Rock climbing areas Countries
La Mygale 7b/7b+ Catherine Miquel 1990 Fontainebleau - Buthiers (Tennis) France
Le Carnage 7b+ Dany Riche 1989 Fontainebleau (Le Bas Cuvier) France
Trois Graines d'éternité 7b+ Catherine Miquel 1995 Fontainebleau (Rocher Canon) France
Échine 7b+ Catherine Miquel 1997 Fontainebleau (Franchard Cuisinière) France
Écaille de lune 7b+/7c Catherine Miquel 2006 Fontainebleau (Les Gorges du Houx) France
Miss World 7c Catherine Miquel 1996 Fontainebleau - Les Trois Pignons (La Roche aux Sabots) France
Mayonnaise de passion 7c Catherine Miquel 1996 Fontainebleau - Les Trois Pignons (Rocher Guichot) France
Alta 7c Catherine Miquel 1997 Fontainebleau (Franchard Isatis) France
36.15 Power 7c/7c+ Catherine Miquel 1996 Fontainebleau (Rocher Canon) France
Infidèle 7c/7c+ Catherine Miquel 1999 Fontainebleau (Le Bas Cuvier) France
Mégalithe 7c/7c+ Catherine Miquel 2006 Fontainebleau (Rocher Gréau) France
Halloween 7c+ Catherine Miquel Fontainebleau - Buthiers (Tennis) France
Le Grand Bleu 7c+ Catherine Miquel 1999 Fontainebleau (Le Calvaire) France
Sherpa 7c+ Catherine Miquel 2004 Fontainebleau (L'éléphant) France
Sale Gosse assis 7c+/8a Catherine Miquel 1998 Fontainebleau - Les Trois Pignons (La Roche aux Sabots) France
La Coccinelle 7c+/8a Catherine Miquel 1998 Fontainebleau - Buthiers (Tennis) France
Plain High Drifter V11 (7c+/8a) Lisa Rands march 2001 The Buttermilks United States
Duel 8a Catherine Miquel oct 12th 1998 Fontainebleau (Franchard Cuisinière) France
Misanthropie 8a Catherine Miquel march 21st 1999 Fontainebleau - Buthiers (Piscine) France
Saveur du soir 8a Catherine Miquel june 22nd 1999 Fontainebleau (Le Calvaire) France
Berezi 8a Josune Bereziartu 2001 Larraona Spain
Shining 8a Barbara Zangerl sept 1st 2004 Silvretta Austria
Rising Sun 8a Barbara Zangerl sept 4th 2004 Silvretta Austria
Les Beaux Quartiers 8a/8a+ Catherine Miquel march 11th 2003 Fontainebleau (Rocher de Bouligny) France
Sarah (sit) V11/V12 (8a/8a+) Claire Murphy march 25th 2003 Hueco Tanks United States
Chbalanke V11/V12 (8a/8a+) Lisa Rands march 29th 2003 Hueco Tanks United States
Sarah V11/V12 (8a/8a+) Lisa Rands march 30th 2003 Hueco Tanks United States
Chbalanke V11/V12 (8a/8a+) Liv Sansoz 2004 Hueco Tanks United States
Sarah (sit) V11/V12 (8a/8a+) Thomasina Pidgeon feb 25th 2004 Hueco Tanks United States
Vague Patatras 8a/8a+ Catherine Miquel april 18th 2004 Fontainebleau (Rocher Saint-Germain) France
Liaison Futile 8a+ Catherine Miquel april 13th 1999 Fontainebleau (Franchard Cuisinière) France
Atomic Playboy 8a+ Catherine Miquel march 2nd 2001 Fontainebleau - Buthiers (Piscine) France
Solaris 8a+ Josune Bereziartu april 15th 2003 Baltzola Spain
Mulhadara 8a+ Stella Marchisio may 31st 2004 Varazze Italy
X-Ray 8a+ Barbara Zangerl june 22nd 2005 Silvretta Austria
Forced Entry V12 (8a+) Tilly Parkins oct 2nd 2006 Grampians (Mount Stapylton, Hollow Mountain boulders) Australia
Cave bitch V12 (8a+) Anna Stöhr 2007 Grampians (Mount Stapylton, Hollow Mountain boulders) Australia
The Mandala V12 (8a+) Lisa Rands jan 18th 2008 The Buttermilks United States
Pura Vida 8a+ Barbara Zangerl may 4th 2008 Magic Wood Switzerland
Fragile Steps 8a+/8b Dorothea Karalus sept 16th 2010 Rocklands - The Pass (The Fortress) South Africa
Fragile Steps 8a+/8b Ashima Shiraishi aug 28th 2012 Rocklands - The Pass (The Fortress) South Africa
Trafic traversée (8b) Catherine Miquel oct 1st 2002 Fontainebleau (Bois des Hauts de Milly) France
The Automator V13 (8b) Angie Payne aug 17th 2010 RMNP (Rocky Mountain National Park) United States
The Riverbed 8b Anna Stöhr sept 16th 2010 Magic Wood Switzerland
Propaganda 8b Therese Johansen may 14th 2011 Vingsand Norway
Crow of Aragorn V13 (8b) Ashima Shiraishi march 21st 2012 Hueco Tanks United States
The Steady Plums direct 8b Ashima Shiraishi aug 5th 2012 Top Side South Africa
The Wheel of Chaos V13/14 (8b/8b+) Alex Puccio sept 20th 2014 RMNP (Rocky Mountain National Park) United States
The Wheel of Chaos V13/14 (8b/8b+) Isabelle Faus oct 2nd 2016 RMNP (Rocky Mountain National Park) United States
Héritage 8b/8b+ Alex Puccio april 22nd 2019 Valle Bavona Switzerland
Catharsis 8b+ Tomoko Ogawa oct 20th 2012 Shiobara Japan
Golden Shadow 8b+ Ashima Shiraishi july 11th 2014 Rocklands (The Pass) South Africa
New Base Line 8b+ Shauna Coxsey july 12th 2014 Magic Wood Switzerland
Jade V14 (8b+) Alex Puccio aug 3rd 2014 RMNP (Rocky Mountain National Park) United States
Amandla 8b+ Isabelle Faus aug 25th 2015 Rocklands (The Pass) South Africa
Phenomena 8b+ Ashima Shiraishi dec 25th 2015 Hinokage Japan
Mécanique Élémentaire 8b+ Melissa Le Nevé march 17th 2017 Fontainebleau (Recloses) France
Feurewalze 8b+ Mile Heyden march 24th 2017
New Base Line 8b+ Anna Stöhr april 2nd 2017 Magic Wood Switzerland
New Base Line 8b+ Alex Puccio sept 5th 2017 Magic Wood Switzerland
Penrose Step V14 (8b+) Anna Stöhr nov 2nd 2017 Leavenworth United States
Golden Shadow 8b+ Oriane Bertone jan 22nd 2018 Rocklands (The Pass) South Africa
Memory is Parallax V14 (8b+) Isabelle Faus feb 16th 2019 RMNP (Rocky Mountain National Park) United States
New Base Line 8b+ Linda Sjödin sept 13th 2019 Magic Wood Switzerland
Mécanique Élémentaire 8b+ Staša Gejo nov 8th 2022 Fontainebleau (Recloses) France
Fotofobia 8b+ Shauna Coxsey march 4th 2024 La Pedriza Spain
The Boss 8b+ Shauna Coxsey may 5th 2024 Yarncliffe United Kingdom
Kryptos 8b+/c Katrin Lehmann may 14th 2018 Morchelstock Switzerland
Horizon 8c Ashima Shiraishi march 21st 2016 Mount Hiei Japan
Sleepy Rave V15 (8c) Ashima Shiraishi aug 4th 2016 Grampians (Mount Stapylton, Hollow Mountain boulders) Australia
Byaku-dou 8c Mishka Ishi may 5th 2019 Mount Hourai Japan
Satan i Helvete (assis) 8c Oriane Bertone may 27th 2020 Fontainebleau (Coquibus Longs Vaux) France
Live long and prosper 8c Lukas Mayerhofer feb 15th 2022 Hirschwände (bouldern) Austria
Bügeleisen (sit) 8c Janja Garnbret may 12th 2024 Maltatal Austria
Box Therapy V15/16 (8c/8c+) Katie Lamb sept 6th 2023 RMNP (Rocky Mountain National Park) United States
Box Therapy V15/16 (8c/8c+) Brooke Raboutou oct 13th 2023 RMNP (Rocky Mountain National Park) United States