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Yana Chereshneva

Yana Chereshneva, 36 years old

 Woman   Russian Federation
 Born on february 9th 1989

    Performances :

    > The two first decades of the french 8c female (1998-2018)
    DatesGradesRouteRock climbing areaCountry
    june 9th 20118cSkifNikitaUkraine
    aug 6th 20118cHot Chili-XLes Gorges du Loup (Déversé)France
    aug 13th 20118cQoussaï, les maux de la finLes Gorges du Loup (Déversé)France
    july 24th 20138cL'attrapeur d'ombresLa Grande Falaise (Freissinières)France

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