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Alberto Rocasolano

Alberto Rocasolano, 32 years old

 Man   Spain
 Born on october 19th 1991

    Performances :

    > Hardest bouldering sends (font 8c & +)
    DatesGradesRouteRock climbing areaCountry
    nov 30th 20138cSoyuzZarzalejoSpain
    jan 10th 20148cTxapelaAlbarracínSpain
    feb 3rd 20148cEntropíaCastillo de BayuelaSpain
    feb 3rd 20168cThe Catalan Witness the FitnessLa Cova de l'OcellSpain
    nov 11th 20168cLa Teoría del TodoAlbarracínSpain
    sept 25th 20178cTrinity
    jan 5th 20188cPapa OsoTorrelodonesSpain
    march 5th 20188cHipoxiaNavalosaSpain
    oct 16th 20178c/8c+El IndomableCiudad Encantada de TamajónSpain


    Castillo de Bayuela - Spain
    Alberto Rocasolano in Entropia 8c
    La première répétition de l'un des rares 8c bloc hispanique. Un passage magnifique.

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