Martin Stráník, 34 years old | |
Man Czech Republic | |
Born on march 8th 1990 | |
Performances : | ||||
Dates | Grades | Route | Rock climbing area | Country |
oct 28th 2014 | 8c | Practice of the Wild | Magic Wood | Switzerland |
nov 17th 2015 | 8c | The Story of 2 Worlds | Cresciano | Switzerland |
dec 24th 2016 | 8c | The Catalan Witness the Fitness | La Cova de l'Ocell | Spain |
feb 23rd 2018 | 8c | Der Mit Dem Fels Tanzt | Chironico | Switzerland |
june 22nd 2018 | 8c | Tekuté Štěstí | Moravský kras (Sloup) | Czech Republic |
march 21st 2019 | 8c | Pata ledovce | Moravský kras (Holštejn) | Czech Republic |
april 28th 2019 | 8c | Drift | Moravský kras (Holštejn) | Czech Republic |
aug 6th 2019 | 8c | Ghost Rider | Moravský kras (Sloup) | Czech Republic |
jan 1st 2020 | 8c | Iceberg | Moravský kras (Holštejn) | Czech Republic |
feb 8th 2020 | 8c | Primitivo | Valle Bavona | Switzerland |
april 28th 2021 | 8c | Black Panter | Vesec | Czech Republic |
april 7th 2022 | 8c | Bulbasaur | Sklapsko | Czech Republic |
feb 1st 2023 | 8c | 4-Low | Valle Bavona | Switzerland |
Videos |
Loučovice - Czech Republic Martin Stráník & friends in pas mal de jolis blocs Découvrons les jolies blocs que recèlent les forêts tchèques. full screen | ||
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