Interesting rock climbing area for routes starting from 8a (french grades).
Best time(s) : - January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- Sept.
- Oct.
- Nov.
- Dec.
Aspect(s) : All
Approach . Kids friendly ? foot of the crag uneven for young kids.
Informations :
Less than 10 routes, from 3a to 8c.
Rock :
Characteristic(s) : overhang

, steep wall

, vertical

Type(s) of holds : crimps, slopers.
Further information(s) : Place of a Big bouldering festival event with Dai Koyamada as a guest in october 2017.
Localisation précise non connue mais l'ile semble regorger de rocher sur tout son pourtour au minimum.
Locations :
Area :
Japan, Ōsumi Islands (大隅諸島), Kagoshima-ken (鹿児島県), Yakushima island (屋久島), Yakushima.

1. Zoom in to get all the rock climbing places 200 km around.

: Bouldering

: Single pitch

: Multi pitches

: Deep water soloing

: Differents kind of climbing
Rock climbing area GPS Coordinates : |
Latitude : 30° 23' 31" N |
Longitude : 130° 22' 44" E |
Sexagesimal & Orientation
Latitude : 30° 23' 31" |
Longitude : 130° 22' 44" |
Degrees, Minutes, Seconds (DMS)
Latitude : 30° 23.532' |
Longitude : 130° 22.734' |
Degrees, Décimal minutes (DM)
Latitude : 30.392205° |
Longitude : 130.378908° |
Decimal degrees (DD)
Area added by CA