Further information(s) : South-West, protected from mistral except Esplanade area. Ideal for winter. To avoid when est wind because of humidity making rock very slippery. In winter, the "Aiguille de Sugiton" hides the sun around 15h30.
Steep wall and small roofs. This is a pumpy crag !
Be careful to routes that seem easy...
See the prefecture website (http://www.bouches-du-rhone.pref.gouv.fr/massifs/index.php) to be aware of crags access restrictions.
Locations :
Area :
France, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Bouches-du-Rhône (13), Marseille, Redon, Université de Luminy.
1. Zoom in to get all the rock climbing places 200 km around.
: Bouldering : Single pitch : Multi pitches
: Deep water soloing : Differents kind of climbing