Interesting rock climbing area for routes from 6a to 6c and from 7a to 7c (french grades).
Best time(s) :
Aspect(s) : SW
Approach 5 min easy down hill. Kids friendly ? foot of the crag comfortable for young kids.
Informations :
Between 25 and 50 routes, from 6 to 8. Bolting : sport climbing
Max Height : 22 m.
Rock :
gneiss. Characteristic(s) : vertical , overhang . Type(s) of holds : jugs, crimps.
Répartition des voies :
BKK has established a close and constructive dialogue with the landowners. They are very happy that we climb there but it is important to remember that the wall is on the infield. There are sheep on pasture all summer and you can not have your dog with you! Do not build the staircase of stone wall, then go over the sheep too. The wall is too close to residential areas, show respect. Keep noise (yelling, Hoing) down and behave nicely. It is not desirable to have barbecues, camping, etc.
BKK har etablert en tett og god dialog med grunneierne. De er svært positive til at vi klatrer der men det er viktig å huske på at veggen ligger på innmark. Det går sauer på beite hele sommerhalvåret og du kan ikke ha med deg hund! Ikke bygg trapp over steinmuren, da går sauene også over den. Veggen ligger også nært bebyggelse, vis hensyn. Hold støynivået (roping, hoing) nede og oppfør deg pent. Det er ikke ønskelig med grilling, telting eller lignende.