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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ! ¡ Feliz Navidad y Feliz Año Nuevo ! Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo ! Fröhliche Weihnachten und Happy New Year ! Feliz Natal e Feliz Ano Novo ! 圣诞快乐和新年快乐 ! मेरी क्रिसमस और नया साल मुबारक हो ! Счастливого Рождества и счастливого Нового года ! . . . 2014



Last changes

February 16th 2024:
icone_site  Carrière du Noyer  Flag
May 23rd 2023:
icone_site  Burgruine Schwarzfeld  Flag
May 1st 2023:
icone_site  Puente de los Franceses  Flag
April 28th 2023:
icone_site  Chung Hom Kok (Beach boulders)  Flag
April 23rd 2023:
icone_site  Mashan  Flag
icone_site  Liming  Flag
icone_site  Dao Cheng  Flag
April 20th 2023:
icone_site  Itatim (Morro do Napoleão)  Flag
April 16th 2023:
icone_photo  Le Petit-Andely  Flag
icone_photo  Doizieux  Flag
icone_photo  La Bastille ( Le Mas d'Oris )  Flag
icone_photo  Le Cirque de Labeil  Flag
icone_photo  Vailhan  Flag
April 14th 2023:
icone_perf  William Bosi sends Burden of Dreams, 9a at Lappnor
April 13th 2023:
icone_perf  Sébastien Bouin sends Ariégeois Coeur Loyal, 9b at Le Pic Saint-Loup (Le cirque des escargots)

Some areas to try this month

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